It is our goal to offer only the best products while keeping our customers absolutely satisfied with quality craftsmanship and personal attention to detail, on any home or business. It is achieving this goal that continues to bring success and growth to our company.
Why Arctic Air?
The average life span of an air conditioning system is 15 years and 12 years for heat pumps. There are two main reasons systems fail early: poor installation and failure to do routine maintenance. Our goal at Arctic Air is to maximize the life of your system.
Proper Installation: If you have a new piece of equipment, don’t take years off of its life with a poor installation. Poor installations account for approximately 30% of early equipment failures and operating inefficiencies. With our attention to detail and quality craftsmanship, we guarantee a picture perfect installation every time.
Routine Maintenance: Routine maintenance and service is the life of your system. You don’t drive your car without changing the oil. The same goes for your air conditioner. Failing to do routine maintenance is an air conditioner killer. There are many air conditioners operating today that are 20+ years old because they have been properly maintained. Click here for more information about our Planned Service Program
We are here to serve all of your HVAC needs. 903-723-2906